About Us
Maranatha Baptist Church was started in early November 1972, under the leadership of Pastor H. Donald Criswell. MBC is an independent, fundamental Baptist Church in Newburgh, Indiana. We follow the scriptural pattern of church in the King James Bible that was established in the New Testament Book of Acts. Our desire is to minister to the people in our area, and share the wonderful news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are imperfect people, striving to be like the perfect Saviour.
Below is an acrostic of the word "BAPTIST" that will help define what sets MBC Newburgh apart from other faiths...
B - Bible is the sole authority of all matters of faith and practice.
A - Autonomy of the local church.
P - Priesthood of every believer.
T - Two ordinances: Baptism (by immersion, after salvation) and the Lord's Supper.
I - Individual soul liberty.
S - Separation of church and state.
T - Two offices: Pastor and deacon.
S - Saved, baptized membership.
At Maranatha Baptist Church, you'll find a warm welcome, friendly smile and a firm handshake. We would be delighted if you and your family would come by for a visit!